Daniele Lantagne, Ph.D.. M.Eng.S.B.
Tuesday, September, 9th, 2014 School of Engineering
Daniele Lantagne, Ph.D., M.Eng. S.B., is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts School of Engineering. She worked as a public health engineer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003-2010) and the Programs Director of the Ipswich River Watershed Association (1997-2000). She came to Tufts from a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Sustainability Science at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Since 2000, she has provided technical assistance to, and evaluation of, water treatment programs in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and Central/South America. She was an author on an independent United Nations study of the cholera outbreak in Haiti.
Professor Lantagne can speak about:
- Cholera in Haiti
- Implementation of appropriate and scalable water treatment programs
- Clean water for at-risk and/or developing-world populations
- Household water treatment solutions