David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Monday, March, 31st, 2014 School of Arts and Sciences School of Dental Medicine School of Engineering School of Medicine
David Kaplan is Professor and Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Tufts School of Engineering and holds the Stern Family Professor of Engineering. He also holds appointments in Tufts School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts School of Medicine and Tufts School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Kaplan directs the NIH-supported Tissue Engineering Resource Center (TERC) a joint program between Tufts University and Columbia University. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. His research looks at the connections among biology, materials science, and engineering with a specific interest in the versatility of silk as a platform for biomedical applications.
Professor Kaplan can speak about:
- Tissue engineering
- Polymer engineering related to cell responses, solution properties, architectural control of assembly, self-assembly.
- Silk-based platforms and biomedical applications