H. Adlai Murdoch, Ph.D.
Tuesday, August, 13th, 2013 School of Arts and Sciences
H. Adlai Murdoch, Ph.D., is Professor of Francophone Studies in the Department of Romance Languages in the School of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University. He is the author of Postcolonial Theory and Francophone Literary Studies and Creole Identity in the French Caribbean Novel. He is the recipient of a several awards and honors, including the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Support for Activities Funding Grant and the State of the Art Conference Grant for “New Francophonies and Colonial Language Communities” conference.
Dr. Murdoch can speak about:
- African studies
- Caribbean cultural theory
- Cultural and film studies
- Francophene cinema
- French Caribbean literature
- Migration and diaspora
- Narrative theory
- Postcolonial studies
- Postcultural theory